differences between tube and solid state designs

this topic may have been beaten to death.

however, my experience attending ces shows has demonstrated to my eras that the differences between push pull tube and solid state amplifiers sound very similar.

i notice today's tube amps, e.g., contad johnson, audio research, wolcott audio, etc., do not exhibit many of the classic colorations associated with tube designs and sound a lot like solid state, especially with respect to frequency response, i.e., spectral balance.

there may be still be slight audible differences between the 2 formats.

has anyone perceived a narrowing of sonic differences between the two designs and if so if differences are slight, why buy a tube amp.

note, i have deliberately excluded class a and single ended amps, at low wattage, from this discussion. some of them have more of a vintage or classic tube sound, especially relative to bass and treble response.
I've always found SS amps to sound flat.

Newbee (System | Threads | Answers)
You beat me to it.


What you point out also explains the fascination with cables more often found with tubed gear...of course with a high output impedance even the speaker cables begin to play a role in modifying the sound coloration...

SS amps tend to be flatter in their frequency response when coupled with a speaker - no question about this - SS gear wins hands down!

For those who prefer tube coloration there are other options such as an EQ, however, a tube will also clip nicely producing pleasant harmonics which is another feature that tubers love and which only a tube EQ could deliver. (no real SS alternative for creating that tube sound...at least not widely available yet)

One of the world's top mastering engineers uses a set of tube gear designed by his brother to add a bit of warmth or tube sound to lean mixes....this engineer has a veritable list of who's who that use him. So I am not knocking tubes in anyway, besides for those who play electric guitar....tubes are absolutely essential for the type of distortion they create.

I must disagree with you on one point...Your posts suggest that tubophiles are looking for some kind of flat frequency response and must resort to endlessly changing cables 'til we achieve that goal.

I would suggest that flat frequency response is not the ultimate objective, if an objective at all, of most tubophiles. If we dislike like the tonal response of our tube stuff we just change a few tubes at minimal expense. Personally I don't care if its flat so long as it sounds 'natural'.

But you SS guys, what are you to do if for some reason you don't like the tone of your undistorted, flat frequency response SS stuff (I'm assuming that all SS stuff doesn't sound the same - but I don't know why it wouldn't)? Buy tone bending cable? Buy an equalizer? Buy a new component altogether? Buy new speakers? Sounds rather expensive to me and difficult to achieve without investing considerable money?

Anyway, I'm having a slow day and just thought I'd add my 2 cents worth. :-)
I think the solid state detractors are painting with a brush that's a little too wide. Just my opinion.
I think the solid state detractors are painting with a brush that's a little too wide. Just my opinion.
Audiofeil (Threads | Answers)
That's a fair statement. I'm always open to discovering SS amps that do not sound two dimensional or sterile.

Thus far, I have tried: McCormack DNA-2 Platinum Revision A+, Bryston 4B SST, 14B SST, Odyssey Audio Stratos Extreme, CI Audio D100 and D200, NuForce Ref 8 (I know, not SS but still 2 dimensional and sterile, IMO).

I haven't auditioned any of the large cased SS amps, i.e. Pass Labs because I don't have the space.