DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
Has absolutely nothing to do with DK I can assure you that. I know the Norwegian importer of DK products and he has sold about 10 pcs of the integrated amp.
I am also from Norway and know the history with Electrocompaniet and Per Abrahamsen.
Electrocompaniet is alive with new owners, and Per Abrahamsen has his own company and has started producing new products. In fact the procucts are copies of the old "the 2 channel amplifier".
I would not consider myself a DK basher but being off today and doing a little listening, I decided to read the review in Stereophile after coming across this thread. I have to say, after reading it, I would absolutely seek out the CREEK Integrated after reading that if I was in the market for a new Integrated Amp..

If the DK competes with Separates well north of $10,000.00 at $3,200.00; does this mean the Creek at $1,495.00 actually betters separates north of $10,000.00 and is solid state to boot?

I mean you could purchase the CREEK, an upgraded Power Cord, and a TON of new Music for well under $3,200.00.

Not bashing just simply asking a question based on the review?

Ellery, you mentioned something about depreciation? I just checked the classifieds and all the DK stuff is marked as sold, and your Electrocompaniet is just collecting more dust on the shelf as it is being offered for 1/4 of the retail price and no one is buying...yeah, I guess DK really does depreciate faster then Electrocompaniet.
Wow, Ellery. Just so you know, output devices on the Gryphon are transistors. Primaluna only has a Solen capacitor...
my Electro is being offered at 1/4 retail? far as I remember I haven't listed it for sale...nor do I plan to...yet I'm pretty sure that I could get more than $500 for it (original retail was $1995).

Why can't DK just have a little humility and say that it is a good amp for it's price rather than try to tout it as the most marvelous product to hit the market since the wheel?