Cayin A88 sells in one day

How's about that for ya? That tells you something.
The only other amp I see that sold in one day was the Jadis DA60, an old one.
I can't wait to get the A88. If it beats the JOR you will be sure to hear about it.
As impressive as that may seem, in my Audiogon career I've had several amps sell in a day- one in 15 minutes. Frankly, it's a combo of the correct price, market buzz and a little luck. I think the Cayin you referred to was sold for under $1,000- considerably less than the going rate used for that piece.
"If it beats the JOR you will be sure to hear about it."

It will because you've already decided, based on numerous previous posts, that Cayin is the Holy Grail. You seem to be fixated on them. Enjoy.
bartokfan beats the Cayin drum at every opportunity. it undermines your credibility, dude.