Which integrateds have the best preamp section?

I've been reading "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio" by Robert Harley, and he places emphasis on the significance of a high quality preamp in getting the best sound. In my search for an integrated to drive my Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors, I'm curious which integrated amps have the reputation for having the finest preamp sections. Any opinions?
-Bob R
The integrated ones in most cases have already the best preamp section only to itself so your task realy simplifies in finding the right integrated amplifier.
IMHO, for the "best" pre-amp sections of integrated amps that I have listened to: in the tubed category: McIntosh MC 2275, the BAT VK300xSE, and any of the Jadis DA series. In the solid state category: I like the YBA Integra DT. I am sure there are lots of others to audition.
Jeff Rowland Design Group Concentra II or Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 300. I have owned both of these very fine units. Warm, quiet and lots of power in the output stage. They are also very easy to look at (high WAF). I'm currenly using the Tri-Vista but could go back to the Rowland in a heart beat.