Best Outboard PreAmp With Krell HTS 7.1 Pass-Thru?

I have a Krell HTS 7.1 pre-amp/processor. It works great with home theater, but not so great with 2-channel listening.

I want to add a high-end outboard pre-amp in the pass-thru mode of the processor to improve my 2-channel sound. I can spend up to $3K or so, on the used market.

The remaining system includes a pair of Krell 450mcx monoblocks and Esoteric DV50s player. Choice of music is jass, vocals and classical.

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I would consider either tube gear, or solid state. Whichever would be most synergistic with my system.

I'm a fan of tube pre-amps, but I would not necessarily suggest it for your setup. In a combo system, using bypass, the dedicated 2-channel pre-amp would be used any time the system is in use for either 2-channel music or HT. If you used your system for TV, you would have the tube pre-amp on a lot and decrease the lifespan of the tubes significantly.

Now, if you don't use the system that much, or if the cost of the tubes in the pre-amp doesn't bother you, go for it! Otherwise, consider a solid state design.
