Tube or solid state amp or amps?

Looking for amp or amps for Energy Veritas 2.4i
I had Pass 1.2 monoblocks. I replaced them with CAT JL1s. I much prefer the tube sound.
I like my tubes in the front end and prefer solid state amplfication. Some of these new tube amp designs sound more like good solid state but comes with the hassle of tube replacement.
solid state is a miserable state. it pierces your ears and gives you audio fears.

be a resistor of the transistor.

solid state is miniaturization without representation.

it's like listening to a bunch of elves play their instruments amongst themmselves.

solid state has a sonic signature, a hardness than won't go away even if you put a tube preamp in front of it.

Open your mind and your ears. What you are saying is patently untrue (in some instances).