Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?

I just got a new pair and I am wondering what amp would be best. I have a Cary SLP-98F1 as a pre and currently using a V12 to drive them. I have a BAT VK-200 as a spare and I am going to hook it up this week end, to see how it sounds with the SLP.
I originally heard the VR's driven by NuForce 9.02 mono's, they sounded fantastic. They were in a treated HT room, which is totally diferent than my space. Right now before break in they sound good but I get don't get close to the sound I heard in the demo room(of coarse I never do). I can only come out about 1 1/2 ft. from the front wall, so I'm pretty sure that is where I lose a lot of the spatiousness.
I am curious to see what other VR4jr owners are using and what they have heard elsewhere.
(Long - sorry but here goes) I drive mine w/ Channel Islands D-200s. I actually bought my VR4JRs from Dusty at CIAudio - I think he said that they were the same ones used to help voice the D200s.
Maybe a diversion here, but I must tell you (all)-
I was initially disappointed in the sound of this combo - (JRs came broken in, and amps were reviewer units returned to CIA, lead shot added) flabby overblown bass, no sense of immediacy, snare drums lacked any snap - Just dull and bloated. BUT NO MORE!
I have mine on a suspended wood floor. I placed a 6' 4x4 brace under the middle of the room, and OMIGOD did the sound improve (the look of disbelief on my wife's face was priceless). So if this made that much of a difference, I had to try more. So now I have 2 12' 4x4s w/ 4 support columns supporting the floor - Each floor joist (they run across room side to side) is anchored to a 4x4 in two places with pairs of angle irons, in case joist doesn't touch 4x4. Not done yet - ran bead of silicone between each joist and the flooring above it. Absolutely transformed the sound of the system. There is no amount of cables, equipment, EQ, anything that could have made this level of improvment. I cannot express the extent of this transformation, from the bass all the way up.
One last tweak - The floor spikes are 16.5" apart - This allows the spikes to sit directly on the joists, directly above two support columns.
I did not notice this problem, pre-bracing, w/ my B&W CDM7NTs - I think the JRs put so much energy into the floor that this becomes a major component of the ultimate sound.

Hope that this helps someone to extract the maximum from these speakers.
I heard the Channel Islands D200/VR4jr rig at the HE2006 show last weekend and it blew my away. I and a number of others thought it was one of the best sounding rooms there. Jum Wang from Harmonic Technology was there and I asked him which of his speaker cables they were using - he laughed and said the Pro-11s, they wanted to keep everything inexpensive.

I am totally lusting for a pair of the 200s to put on my VR2s - OK, lets be honest, I am totally lusting to trade up to the Jrs LOL
I picked up my lead shot at Bass Pro Shop for $20 / 25lb. bag. I think I went with #8 shot. Another option is try your local gun clubs / ranges, they may know where you can pick some up. I looked into ordering online, but the shipping involved didn't make it a very appealing deal. As for the spikes, when I got my jr's they came with the original skinny spikes which were problematic. My dealer called VS and they shipped me their new style heavy duty spikes at no charge. Considering your speakers are new, you probably already have the new style.
Good luck.
I'm running mine with a SF Line 1 pre and H20 S250 sig amp.
So far very happy with the way the JR's are sounding. The advice I received from the factory was on the money.
Got them on the spikes yesterday, no lead shot, not sure I really need it. They have about 50 hrs. on them so far and are opening up nicely.
I'm still curious about the Nuforce and CI amp, we'll see.
Thanks for listening

Need shot? Try your local "Trap & skeet" club (s).

I use what I've got, and not done much experimenting with other amp & preamp combos. I run a pair of BATs... VK500 w/BP, and a VK5i preamp with different tubes than stock. I keep my secondary tweeter down to almost off. 'cept for once in while. My drivers are right at 50" off the rear wall, and right at 30" OC from the side walls... putting them just under eight ft apart. No shot in mine currently, but do have the larger spikes. Two sets of bi wires... Alpha Quad active on just the bass driver, (both sets of leads), and a set of Signature 10 active x2 bi wires doing the mid bass and top modules... it's close to the best sound I've heard coming from Jr's... over 50% for sure... now that I've added all the other cabling...

But the best sound I've ever heard on JR's, was a Thor setup... using the little 30wpc monos, and the TA1000 thor preamp.... and I believe Audience speaker cables... Shanlin Tube SACD... can't say about the IC's... or power cords. Matter of fact that event was the best, most natural sound I've yet heard... though the audition was brief... and followed listeing to a less expensive front end on the VR4 GEN III's. same cd but 220 wpc less, & SS powered. Go figure.

The note about the supporting the floor joists sure is interesting.... my floor is hollow too... w/16" OC joists. I have been told that using another form of base under the plinths is a good idea in that regard..... wood box filled with sand, some sort of stone... I'm thinkning to do both.. build a box and insert some pavers, and fill out the balance with sand.... but firm footing does seem to be indicated with JR's.