Amps for Avalon Osiris CAT JL3, Boulder 2060, Dart

I recently purchased Avalon Osiris and am considering what amps to use with them. I purchased a pair of Levinson 436's as a stop gap just to have an amp that could drive them while I saved for a better amp. I am using Stealth cables throughout (Indra IC's, Dream PC's and Dream SC's).
My preamp is CAT Ultimate MK2 (line only) with NOS Amperex PQ's. My DAC is Audiologic 24MXL and CEC TL2 transport. I am open to other amps than the three listed above but am leaning toard solid state or hybrid. I am trying to avoid space heaters. Some other amp considerations are VTL Sigfreid, Tenor 300's ...
Thank you Rushton for the advice, the previous owner of the Fouriers also had Eidolons. The sound had a very fine bloom and great transparency. Ascents do have a flat impedance with 5.5 ohm minimum, hence I concluded they would be a good match. As long as the Fouriers work well I stick to them. I hope they will because MA-2's are very expensive (here). Great review of the Walker turntable!
I also hear to classical lp's only, I spin them on a Platine Verdier + Naim Aro+ Vd Hull Grasshopper IV on a sand filled box. Even some DGG's (Kleibers Beethoven Sy #5) sound breathtaking.
I haven't checked this thread in a while. Hodelrecords,
the Avalon Osiris is pretty flat at 4 ohms with a minimum dip to 3.6. The CAT JL2 will drive any Avalons easily and do the bass very well. They have a OTL or SET like mid and you should give them a listen before you go to Atma-sphere. I think one of the advantages they have over other tubed based amplifiers is the use of 6DJ8, 12AU7 and 12AX7 signal tubes. This gives you a multitude of tuning options. Bart
The CAT JL2 will drive any Avalons easily and do the bass very well. They have a OTL or SET like mid and you should give them a listen before you go to Atma-sphere.
I disagree with the characterization of the midrange, but the CAT's strong suit is the bass. If using CAT for the Osiris, I would recommend the JL3s or JL3 Signatures.
I have had both CAT JL3 Sig and Atma-spere MA-2 ( i belive Rushton now has the pair I owned).
I fully agree with Essentialaudio: the Cat's have fantastic bass but are not up to the std's of the MA-2's in the midrange. They are, in fact, a little lean in the MR.
You always have tradeoffs to make. Cat is closer to ss sound than most tube amps.
There is no getting around the thermal issues of tubes, especially Atmas-speres as they run true class A.
You haven't heard what the CAT JL2/JL3 midrange is capable of if you are using the stock input tubes.
