Amp for Virgo III's

My current system consists of a Well Tempered Classic turntable/arm with Micro Benz ACE for analog, Benchmark DAC 1 for digital, Audible Illusions M3A preamp.

I'm thinking of upgrading my PSE Studio IV solid state amp to something used in the < $2000 range to drive my Audio Physic Virgo III's. I value speed and detail, imaging, extended but not overly bright highs, tight bass, and good dynamics.

I have the following to possibly choose from, none of which I've actually been able to audition (yet):

Krell KSA-200S
Musical Fidelity A3.2 amp
Audio Research VT-100 Mk II
Cary SLA-M100s
Primare D-30.2
Melos 202 Gold
Michael Yee PA-2
McCormack DNA-1
Electron Kinetics Eagle Two
Aloia PST 13.01

I am not looking for a marginal improvement, so maybe I should just stay where I'm at -- but I would appreciate any recommendations and the reasons for your particular choice(s) if you think there is one or more of these that would be a significant improvement.

I have been very happy using the ML 432 with the Virgo IIIs. However, the 432 takes a long time to break, but the power really brings out the dynamics in the speaker.
I agree with keithr on Cary. For solid state, Pass Labs. The first time I heard Virgo II's driven by a Pass Labs X-150 I was hooked! I now have a X-350, even better. I have not heard them but understand the new generation .5 versions are a significant improvement. Especialy in taming the high frequency glare.
Good luck, Greg

The Cary's were in need of servicing. The dealer was highly recommending the ARC VT 100, but it was out for serving as well (tubes not doing so well for reliability?) So I may be leaning towards solid state for the time being.

I auditioned the Michael Yee PA-2 noted above, which sounded much better than my PSE IV, and close to a Separo SE300i, 10w 300B Integrated tubed unit -- but I was hard pressed to say which sounded "better" -- just noted a slight difference. I will be returning to the dealer soon to re-audition, and listen to an additional amp, or two, or three.

Anyone familiar with the Michael Yee PA-2 amp, or can recommend any of the others on the list of the above amps for auditioning?

Thank you all for your suggestions.