Is Supratek Chenin a good match for BAT-75SE?

I'm looking for a new preamp. for my BAT-75 SE.
I never heard Supratek pre-amp., but all reviews sound so exciting, that I decided to put it at the top of my options list.
I listen to all kinds of music: Rock (60-70%), classical, vocals, etc.
I generally don't like forward and bright sounding systems, and would take musicality,naturalness, some warmth and liquidity over detail any time.
My room is 25x16x8, acoustically treated.
You can see the rest of my system below.
I would also appreciate any other suggestions regarding preamp as well.
My budget is about $4-5 K. (new or used).
Owner of 75SE, I use SF Line 3 SE with great success. ARC Ref 2 MK II might give you a little more bass and dynamic, but SF Line 3 SE will rival everything else. Superb detail, soundstage width and depth, inner harmonic and imaging capability are all world class.

Looking at your system, I will put equal priority on upgrading your speakers (VS VR-4 jr) as upgrading the pre amp.
Upgrading my speakers would be a next step. I do feel VR-4JR's have more potential, that can be gained with higher quality preamp.
Nope. Haven't heard the Supratek or BAT. I do own Von Schweikert, and have similar taste in music and desire for a non-forward sound.

You might consider a Lamm LL2 Deluxe. Its sound can be substantially altered by rolling 6922 and 12AU7 tubes.
Lamm LL2 is another one of the options, I've been considering. Can you make a few comments regarding it's sonic character?
I've been considering. Can you make a few comments regarding it's sonic character?
Maril555 (System | Threads | Answers)
Musical. Deep bass. Great imaging. It's a chameleon with tubes. Running all Siemens 6922 and 12AU7, it will sound substantially different than running all Mullard 6922 and 12AU7, and there is considerable variation in sonics possible by mixing and matching tubes af various manufacturers and tube types. You can mold it to suit your taste...much like the Supratek products. There is simply no right answer to describing it's sonic character except to say the circuitry has no sonic character unto itself.

Of course it does not have a phono, but you also don't have to wait six months or longer to take delivery. :)