Is Supratek Chenin a good match for BAT-75SE?

I'm looking for a new preamp. for my BAT-75 SE.
I never heard Supratek pre-amp., but all reviews sound so exciting, that I decided to put it at the top of my options list.
I listen to all kinds of music: Rock (60-70%), classical, vocals, etc.
I generally don't like forward and bright sounding systems, and would take musicality,naturalness, some warmth and liquidity over detail any time.
My room is 25x16x8, acoustically treated.
You can see the rest of my system below.
I would also appreciate any other suggestions regarding preamp as well.
My budget is about $4-5 K. (new or used).
I thought about the Supratek with my 75SE but always figured balanced was the way to go with BAT, of which the Supratek obviously isn't.

I loved the 51SE with it, that i do know. It was significantly better than the 31SE.
I can understand your position on balanced preamp/amp. combination.
Supratek does offer an option of balanced outs on Chenin.
I don't think it employs balanced design though, but Mick's position on balanced connections is quite different, he doesn't seem to think it has any significant advantage over single ended.
P.S. I certainly shared your impression of Lamm's room at 2006 HE.
One other thing also: New Supratek Chenin is about half price of used BAT-51 SE.