Cheapest class D amp?

I have a neighbor with a 4 ohm speaker. He is tired of bland boring sound. His budget is slim. Please tell me what class D amps you have tried, and how they sounded. Thanks.
You can buy a 15 w/channel class D amp from Best Buy for $40.00. Its gotten good reviews.

I doubt that will correct the 'bland boring sound' issue though. Best first to find out what causes it then to throw things at it.
No kidding? Now, that is cheap. I'll look it up. His amp is some old sluggo solid state. Class D amps are always lively.
Class D amps are always lively.
Muralman1 (System | Threads | Answers)
Sorry, but that's a generalization that does not hold true to my ears, based on hearing several in my system and at a few audio shows.

I suppose one's definition of lively is important to the discussion. If you're talking about frequency extension and clarity, then the Class D amps are lively. Other than that, the Class D amps I have heard were anything but lively.