Cheapest class D amp?

I have a neighbor with a 4 ohm speaker. He is tired of bland boring sound. His budget is slim. Please tell me what class D amps you have tried, and how they sounded. Thanks.

06-23-06: Muralman1
Tvad, have you ever heard the Rowland 201, or Nuforce?
I have heard the Nuforce Ref 8 in my system, and the Ref 9.02SE at the Nuforce room at the LA HES. I have not heard the Rowland 201.
Tvad writes:
"If you're talking about frequency extension and clarity, then the Class D amps are lively. Other than that, the Class D amps I have heard were anything but lively."

Grant, that's interesting because one of the biggest strengths of the NuForce amps is their unbridled sense of dynamics. My Ref 9SE's have nearly bone-crunching dynamic schmaaack in my system and they lack the homogenation and congestion typical of most analog designs. If the NuForce amps you tried didn't sound "lively" to you then there was probably something in your system that was limiting dynamics, perhaps unknown to you at the time. Many high-end speakers lack authoritative dynamic capability...

Muralman1, maybe a used pair of the Flying Mole amps would work for your friend. If not, I have a very good sounding vintage solid-state amp that I'd let go for a reasonable price...
Plato, do you suppose Flying Moles (why does that name remind me of SNL Smuckers routine) would work with 4 ohm speakers of dismally low impedance?
06-23-06: Plato of the biggest strengths of the NuForce amps is their unbridled sense of dynamics. My Ref 9SE's have nearly bone-crunching dynamic schmaaack in my system and they lack the homogenation and congestion typical of most analog designs.
I agree that the NuForce amps have amazing dynamics and extension, but these are not the only ingredients that comprise a lively amp...lively meaning "like life". IMO.

I realize my opinion is not shared by a large community of digital amp aficionados.