Mccormack DNA125 or Belles 150A Hot Rod

I'm in the market for a new amp and trying to decide which one would give me the best sound and value. I'm unable to audition either. My pre is a VTL 2.5 and speakers are Infinity Kappa 8.1 (89db).
Thanks for any input.
Zaikesman, thankyou for bringing this to my attention. It never occured to me at the time I made my post, although it should have. By the way, your review/thoughts on the 125 were very well written & clear. I did post a followup to the DNA 125 but in light of your accurate review thought it was completely unnecessary and deleted it.
Well now you've done it Phd -- gone and made me embarrassed for being a wise-ass :-)
Hi Phd -

The phono card (new and improved, by the way) lists for $425, and should be available for order through any McCormack Audio dealer. Please contact McCormack Audio in Virginia if you need specific dealer information.

McCormack Audio of Virginia
2733 Merrilee Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22031
703-573-9665 voice
703-560-5360 fax

The phono card is a simple plug-in module that you can install yourself. Just unplug your RLD-1, remove the cover, locate the phono card connector and remove the jumper that is currently in place, and plug-in the phono card. Screw-down the 4 retaining nuts and select the proper gain setting, and add any input loading resistors you might want. Reattach the cover and plug everything back in, and you're set.

Best regards,

Steve McCormack