Integrated amp: VAC, DK ref, Ayon Sunrise or Karan

I will be pleased to know your opinion about which one of these integrated amps is the best for you, no cost object.Thanks
The Karan KA-i180 will drive your speakers with no problem! Check out the TNT review. I have been using this integrated for 3 years after going through the upgrade paths over and over. My last amp was a Melos MAT-180 tube amp with Melos' Maestro preamp. This was a very good combo, but the Karan is better. You owe it to yourself to try one. People that own these rarely get rid of them. My Melos separates were $8k retail. IMHO you would need to spend more then $12K to get better. I have spoken to other owners of the KA-i180 that compared it to $20 separates. My speakers are Merlin VSM-M (89db) and I can drive them to very loud levels with no problem. Integrated amps are a great way to compact your system. The Karan integrated will not compact the sound quality! There are some who think separates sound better (I was one) until I heard the Karan KA-i180.
My business partner purchased the Ayon Audio made in Austria, by the way, 300B integrated amplfier. Wow, the sound is fantastic, the build is remarkable and it looks terrific. Ayon Audio is a big deal in Europe and considered top quality audiophile gear. I will be selling my VSi55 Audio Research and making a change soon. I also saw the Ayon Sunrise II, can't decide which one to get.