DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization

I would like to know what tuning, customizing, hot rodding, tweaking, what ever.. that you owners of DK Design VS-1 MK2 are using to bring out the best in this amp. It seems to be responsive to changes in interconnects, tubes, power & speaker cables, speaker dynamics, etc. most probably to both the positive and negative.

Please share your work. I would like to know what improved it's performance, what caused no real change and what made it sound worse. Thanks in advance!
Jomoinc, yes the Black Lightning is "only" recommended up to 200 watt amps but I would totally agree with Mark that its the quality of the power cable not the AWG that counts.
Sbayne, I was thinking also about the "integrated" issue with both the preamp and the power amp being fed at the same time from the same hose, er... cable.
Hey in relation to the modified VS1MKII I wonder if the Parts Connexion could modify it to separate it up to provide for an external preamp power supply and as long as we're dreaming, how about a separate amp only input! Somebody stop me!!
I mean that I leave power on. Standby helps but it's not enough. I'm guessing, hoping, that the tubes have a low current and will last a long time (change annually?)
If I recall correctly I used the top of the line Audience power cord with the DK. Not sure but I think so.
The Eichman Power cord with Mullard Tubes. Synergistic Alpha Quad Active's at the bottom and Guerrilla Audio Silver for the top end in a bi-wire configuration. The transformation is absolutley amazing. The bass and mid-bass response is now among the best I have ever heard anywhere at any price. Does anyone have a short list of materials that would be considered acoustically and electromagnetically inert and a better choice for the cover?