DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization

I would like to know what tuning, customizing, hot rodding, tweaking, what ever.. that you owners of DK Design VS-1 MK2 are using to bring out the best in this amp. It seems to be responsive to changes in interconnects, tubes, power & speaker cables, speaker dynamics, etc. most probably to both the positive and negative.

Please share your work. I would like to know what improved it's performance, what caused no real change and what made it sound worse. Thanks in advance!
Jomionc, I have come upon a tube that just seems to synergize with the DK beautifully and this is it:
It is designated a Valvo, sold to me as a Mullard, but evidently is a Phillips/Amperex according to Tube Classics. All of a sudden there is this deep structured, detailed bass response with neutral and transparent mids and highs. Look for it as a Valvo E188CC.
Here is a German site that features it:

The difference this tube made in my VS-1 was nothing short of amazing.
I wanted to ask, how do I change the gain of the amp? I'm asking because I listen to it at no more than 9-10 o'clock and it's pretty load, or is it b/c it's so called 'class A' amp? Anyone noticed this?
I read that the input level is ajustable from the preamp pots but that is all I know at this time. It was in relation to dropping the gain to allow for a "hot" phono preamp input voltage. If you find out anything, please post and I will do the same. I noted the same thing on an earlier post on this thread.

I was coressponding with Daniel some time ago, and in one of his emails he wrote the following:

The line-stage has variable gain. There are small potentiometers on the pre-amp board next to each tube. The potentiometer is adjustable with a screw driver and you can set the optimal gain for your system if needed.

I've tried this yesterday without any luck, the volume is still at 9-10 for notmal listening level. So, I guess I'll have to contact DK Design and see what they will advise....I let you know.
If you are not in a big hurry, apparently will modify (commissioned project) these to add their "active" tube control circuit design as seen in some other tube preamps as well as other design issues (capacitor / power supply mismatching) and upgrades to parts. They are known for mods to the Denon 2900 & others to kick them up into a higher performance category. They also offer build services on the Bottlehead Valve Kits. Also rumored to be the design source for some of the DK signature version improvements....