Conrad Johnson MF2500A or a high power tube amp

Will the MF2500A sound like tube? I want some sort of tube amp but with a lot of power.

Will the MF2500A do the job? Will it sound like tube but with power?

I am a Plinius dealer, so I really do agree with the gentileman who was talking about them.

I worked for many years in a hi fi store that sold the CJ. The CJ for the money is an excellent amplifier but it lacks the refinement that a Plinius provides.

Also there is a pure tube amplifier that is high powered and extremely inexpensive for the power. That amplifier is a Antique Sound Labs Hurrricane. The Hurricane pumps out 200 watts ultralinear power and the sound was as good in most cases as my VAC PHI 110 amplifier which costs $10,000!

The Hurricane new is $5,000.00 and it really is an amazing sounding amplifier.

If you are in the New York metro area I would invite you in for a listen.
Im very happy with my MF2500A! The only thing i would change about it if i could,,would be to give it a touch more energy on the leading edge of low bass.Having said that,,,i would also say that the bass is better than most tube amps ive heard!Very good treble and midrange ,,,,sweet ,,but not too sweet!Just right,,a very musical amp! They can be found at a good price used!My amp is stone quiet,,no hum!
there is a pure tube amplifier that is high powered and extremely inexpensive for the power. That amplifier is a Antique Sound Labs Hurrricane. The Hurricane pumps out 200 watts ultralinear power and the sound was as good in most cases as my VAC PHI 110 amplifier which costs $10,000!
The magic of the VAC Phi 110/110 is revealed when running in triode mode rather than pentode mode (ultralinear). This feature, and the ability to run the PHI 110/110 with or without zero negative feedback are two features that separate the VAC from the pack, IMO.

The VAC PHI 110/110 in triode with zero negative feedback is the preferred configuration for most owners.
Hi Stan

I am using DIy speakers. I stop buying speakers about a year ago ever since I started buildin my own speakers. From memory, mine sounds pretty good compared to the comercial ones.
Hi Andy, The CJ MF2500A has a musical and tube like sound to it for a SS amp. Since your speakers are DIY, it's hard to figure if the CJ has enough or more than enough power to drive them. Maybe you could tell us how easy (or hard) they are to drive and what your price range is. Best wishes. Stan