Do I really need a pre-amp?

As a bit of a neophyte (but one who loves music), do I really need a pre-amp if I am only using a cd source? A friend told me that I could simply hook up a high quality amp to a cd player and that would be adequate. Any thoughts are most appreciated.

I do believe a system which preamp always sound better.But experience yourself to find out the sound that you like(your taste).Good luck.
If your cdp is good enough and matches your amp, look in to a passive volume control or a passive pre.
Jpshinn- don't mind cfb, sometimes he gets a little grouchy if he hasn't won a lawsuit or two in the last week. He's actually a pretty good guy and very knowledgeable. He does has a good point- lost in the archives to search, and there is a thread exactly on point running right now under "old threads with new posts in last 12 hours" titled Passive pre-amps-jumping ship or something like that. Give it a look see. No would ever call me a passive kind of guy, so I have no first hand knowledge to pass on, but it appears from what I've read that its HIGHLY system-dependent, and clearly NOT as simple as just hooking the variable output from any old CDP to whichever amp you have lying around.