Power Amp for Hyperion 938

I am running in a pair of new Hyperion 938 in a 12ft x 21ft room. Any recommendations? Budget is around $2000-$5000; prefer to spend less if possible. Used is also ok. Prefer tube amps(KT-88, 845, 300).

My setup
Marantz SA-14 ver2 (modified)
Supratek Chardonnay preamp
Hyperion 938
Audience AU24 IC and speaker cables + jumper

Vocals, Jazz, Classical, Chamber, no rock.

Any input is much appreciated. Thanks.
Ethifi, did you notice any problems with bass in your listening room? My is almost the same size (12ft x 17ft) and I am affraid that it is too small for such a big boxes.
Krzycho : the 938 are very sensible to speaker cables.
To get something good you need the good cables, i used to run my 938 in a small room with no problem at all.
I have no problems whatsoever. Surprisingly, the bass is not bloomy at all. Maybe because I am sitting 40% along the long wall. In my previous place, I was sitting to the back wall and the bass was very bloomy. In fact, after over 1.5 months run-in, the bass on the speakers is beginning to sound more punchy. When I first received the speakers, I complained to the dealer that bass was almost missing. My current amp is a cheapo-sort of amp which I bought over 10 years ago; it is the weakest link in the system.

Agree with Ndeslions that cables are also important. I have the AU24 and they are wonderful.
I noticed that there is an importer in US that brings the Sovereign brand. These are the absolutely best transistor amplifiers in the planet. I own the Sovereign Director preamplifier and the Sovereign Power amplifier with my Hyperion 938 and I still haven't heard a system costing up to 100.000 Euros that can be compared with mine. You better have a listen soon....
Geopolitis, this is your first post since becoming an Audiogon member over a
year ago. It reads like marketing.

Do you have a business relationship with Sovereign?

If so, Audiogon rules require disclosure.