Choice of tube amp?

I`ve auditioned some tube poweramps lately, the Rogue Zeus and the VTL S-400. This has left me contemplating a change from SS to tube power amplification.
My system consists of: APL Hifi NWO-2 cd/tube preamp, Pass Labs X350.5 and Martin Logan Summit. The APL and Summits are here to stay :) The Pass is up for discussion :) The Pass, in my setup, is a little dry sounding and doesn`t involve me as much as I know the APL and Summits are capable of. I`ve researched a little more than Rogue and VTL. I`ve been talking to VAC, Audio Valve, Wolcott, CJ and Cary. Any suggestions? And how they will compare to the Pass in my setup? If you feel my question is dumb or that you need more information, just tell me :)
What about the hybrid amps, the Blue Circle 206 for example. I'm currently using an original apl 3910, BC 3000MKII pre and BC 206 with the Summits. Pretty nice. Haven't tried the 3910 direct yet, will be trying that shortly just to get a listen. I can only drool at the thought of the NWO-2 with the summits.
Here in South Africa we have a Swiss guy that produces the finest valve amplifiers for over 25 years. Gunter STEINHART Audio and I recommend it highly. Check his website out...
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Dewald Visser
Steinhart doesn`t answer mails and I don`t do business with such firms. When one has to politely ask or make a lot of hassle getting in touch with them I say good riddance. So Steinhart wont see me taking my business their way. The 2 "Hottest" candidates are VAC Phi 300, Wolcott 140s or 280Ms or Moscode 401HR.