Musical FidelityWhich Integrated is best value?

Musical Fidelity has produced a series of integrated amps over the last couple of years. But they don't seem to stay on the market very long. I am interested in a used integrated amp with a very good phono stage. Which Musical Fidelity integrated is the best value?? What other other used IA's might be better with equally attractive styling and are reasonably priced that outperform Musical Fidelity??
I've had a Plinius 9200 for several years now. It replaced a $10K ARC/Levinson combo and smoked it! Can't comment on the comparison you asked about, but I noted that the phono on the Plinius was a tad noisy, so I inserted a Sutherland PhD. Not only is the PhD dead quiet, to much better harmonics, detail, etc. The improvement blew me away. Controlling noise inducement in the preamp of an integrated has got to be difficult and even more so for the phono stage...
I agree with Washline and Simon74... I owned the Nu-vista for few years and love it. Have it compare to many diff. int.amp like JRDG, Gryphon and ML383... Still like it better. I am now have the Trivista. The Nu-vista is lettle sweeter in the mid and a little rolled off at the high and the Trivista has all the controls for the bass and the high is extended. It was little bright when I match the Trivista with the Watt&Puppy but the Nu-vista was very good. They both worth the money, and you just have match it with the rest of your system. Sysnergy is still the key.
I haven't tried too much MFs but for me the X-150 does it pretty well for the money. Trivista & Nu-Vista are a superior category but I'm not sure if the upgrade in prices goes by the hand with upgrades in sound.