Sounds like a $5000 Integrated amp but only $1600

Has anyone listened to the Dussun V8i Integated amp yet?
To be honest, I really have no idea what a "$5000 integrated amp" is supposed to sound like.

Would you say that they typically sound demonstrably better than, say, a $4900 integrated amp?

And are you thinking about purchasing an itegrated amp and therefore seeking advice from this community?

Or do you have some sort of commercial affiliation with the "Dussun V8i"?

Just one more it, by any chance, made in China?


I haven't heard it, but I own a Kavent A-210 that I like quite a bit -- it's also from China, so it's probably the same amp with a little different sheet metal and cheaper connecters for only $999.

Some of the Chinese electronics sound surprisingly good.
I auditioned it, and I returned it. Big, warm sound with overemphasis in the lower frequencies and grain in the upper midgrange. It has an "Oh Wow!" factor upon first listen because it sounds big and balsy, but extended listening reveals its flaws and lack of refinement.

It's a $1600 integrated that performs in keeping with its price, IMO.
Here's the hubub regarding this amp: