Sounds like a $5000 Integrated amp but only $1600

Has anyone listened to the Dussun V8i Integated amp yet?
Foster 9,

As far as I know these chinese guys would customise anything before your purchase...
Hifsoundguy and others

Yes, I was being a little sarcastic and hfsg I apologize if your inquiry was sincere, but your heading did sound a bit like a veiled advertisement.

I am all for good ideas in this hobby and I wouldn't hesitate to buy a chinese component if it seemed well made and offered good value.

Best of luck with this decision


But if you are a dealer or distributor for this product, I stand by every caustic word in my original post.
Marakanetz: I thought it was subwoofer compatible when I purchased it; Since the unit I got had to be shipped from China it took what seemed like forever for me to get it. And as you put it, "these chinese guys" at least the ones at Dussun, will not just customize whatever you want as far as I know. Although, based on my recommendation to the distibutor and his recommendation to Dussun they will likely add a seperate pre-out for use with a subwoofer to increase the marketability of the unit. Of course, I recently read that you can put an outboard crossover between the pre out and main in and add a subwoofer that way. But before that I was adviced by knowldegeable audiophiles that putting anything in the signal between the pre out and main in would result in sonic degradation.
Geez, can we dispense with the xenophobia here?
I doubt any of you own any components that do not have at least some sourced parts or some assembly offshore.

It is a global economy and if you don't like it, start electing some people that will require better world labor law standards before we agree to import the products.
You can't have it both ways.