How come no one talks of sansui?

i love sansui. I have a complete ss setup (electrocomaniet and marantz sm17sa + norh Le amp)
i heard my friend's old AU 717 sansui....i must say
very very dynamic and impressive...and solid build quaility
i am going to pick one of these that go on ebay for 50 bucks...would hurt for a garage system
My First stereo coming out of the service I purchased was a Sansui AU919. It was fantastic in it's time and as an entry level for about a $100 with a tuner it couldn't be beat. That was of course until I bought a Pioneer SX1650 Reciever!! Hell that was back in 1976!!
Hey Audionut......this also brings me first "receiver" was a Sansui 800.......then I went for the big bucks to a Sansui 8. Had the Dual 1219.....Shure....and a hoast of speakers from....Pioneer, KLH 17, Eastman, to Bose 901's!!!!

Then I started to read "The Absoulte Sound"......and on to chapter 2.
I must admit that I had a pair of 901's powered by a Mcintosh Receiver and I too thought life was good and filled with great music. Then came the mags , also.
Hey Ligi...after the Sansui I also got into Mac's c-28 and 2505 (or something like that)...ah...youth!!!!
Psssssst! This is secret.A modified Sansui T-60 or T-80 tuner will compete with the best of them.I'm serious.Contact Ed at for more info. I'm just a happy client.