Wyetech Opal Tube Rolling

Has anyone done any tube-rolling with the 6SN7's in this pre? Curious about your experiences. Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
Not that fancy piece but I roll N7s alot. What version of 6SN7 is stansard or recommended (not that you cannot sub a GTA for a GT or a VT231 for a GT etc.) More importantly is it in the driver position or is it an output tube for gain.
What are you trying to achieve? Is too mellow/colored thus want you want bright, clear and extended sound or do you want a more laid back, musical, detailed presentation or do you need more sundstage etc. If it is driver only you will need a fast strong tube as a rule. If you're serious be very specific, What are you using now?
I can make some suggestions if you are specific about what the Opal seems to lack. -Steve
P.S. How much is the budget range generally $40-400 a pair.
This is a good site to visit for opinions on the 6SN7 family: (http://home.att.net/~chimeraone/6sn7sound.html) I'm using the TungSol 6SN7GT, round plate, bottom getter, 1940's, NOS as drivers and the Sylvania 6SN7W, tall bottle, 1940's, NOS as phase splitters(in a pair of modified Cary SLM-100s). I've been listening to live music(amplified and acoustic)at least twice a week, for the last 30yrs(as a sound tech). That's my reference(not personal taste, or what I THINK music is supposed to sound like). The TungSol/Sylvania combo renders a very accurate/uncolored/extended/open presentation(NO euphonics at all). The Ken-Rad 6SN7GT/VT-231 sounds identical to the TungSol, but lacks a few feet of soundstage depth. A pair of closely matched/strong, NOS TungSols or Sylvanias will run you around $250.00 to $325.00 on eBay. The Ken-Rads are considerably less expensive. Bottom getter, 1940's, VT-231 Sylvanias sound excellent(again- very accurate/uncolored) with the Ken-Rads. Just not quite as open/extended/detailed as the 6SN7Ws(a less expensive option). Of course: if you have a bright system- that might be attractive.
Oh, BTW: I tried both the RCAs and Raytheons mentioned at the top of the heap. They had too much microphonic/euphonic flavor(ala Mullard, Brimar sugar coating). I didn't listen to them long enough to determine their soundstaging, etc. They both sounded nice(and less expensive than the TungSols/Sylvanias)- Just not real!!