Wyetech Opal Tube Rolling

Has anyone done any tube-rolling with the 6SN7's in this pre? Curious about your experiences. Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
As stated: the WGTAs can be replaced by GTs/VT-231s/Ws without fear of mis-match. The on-line/mail-order tube vendors that I researched generally are sold out of the tubes that I've recommended, or- VERY proud of them. Upscale Audio has Ken-Rad at a reasonable price(and he tests his tubes for noise-VERY important in a pre-amp). I've had good experiences with purchasing tubes on eBay. Just stick with the sellers that have high feedback ratings, and list the test results for both sections of the tube. If you are trying to warm things up: Check with Kevin at Upscale, and see if he's got any NOS Brimars or Mullards in a 6SN7. He's got a keen ear, and can tell you what tubes will give you the sound you're trying to achieve. Did you look at the tube comparison site that I included earlier?
Thanks, Rodman. Very illuminating. And yes, I did look at the site you mentioned, which was very informative. I just find all the numbers, letters and brands somewhat dizzying.

Don't let the dizziness disuade you from pursuing a set of NOS tubes. They are well worth the effort in terms of musicality. If my goal were to warm up my system: I'd try pairing the TungSol 6SN7GT/VT-231,bottom getter, black round plate from the 40's(not the ones with the mouse ears either) with either Raytheon VT-231s or the RCA VT-231s(military tubes from the 40's) mentioned at the top of the comparison list. Like I said: I tried them. They were too warm for my tastes(or perhaps my system). You may very well find them perfect for you. Paired with the TungSols, you'll still have the benefit of the expanded/deeper soundstage, and their accuracy.