Need balanced pre with HT bypass/remote/

I recently bought some great used ATC SCM 150ASL active loudspeakers on this site. They are wonderful replacements for my VMPS RM/X's, but they have put my great-sounding Modwright SWL 9.0 SE into a tizzy. Due to the SWL being single-ended there are numerous ground and buzz/hum issues that have arisen because of rca-to-XLR, etc.. Some grounding straps have helped quiet it up in 2 channel but the HT bypass continues to have noise now. Jensen isolators may help, too, but it's getting crazy. Anyway, I'm also susceptible to phase inversion and I use to be able to swap speaker leads when i thought things would sound better that way; I can no longer do that with the ATC's (no speaker leads). The Modwright inverts phase, period.

So, I am in the market for not simply a replacement for the Modwright, but I want a significant upgrade if I'm gonna do this. The table stakes include true balanced outs, remote control, HT bypass (or unity gain-fixed gain), and an invert phase switch if possible. The following are a list of contenders based on my internet surfing over the past couple of days. Any opinions on these would be very helfpul. I've read quite a few user opinions, and most list the Ref 3 as tops, but a couple folks claim they like the new LS26 better, and it's almost half the price (neither are likely available used). The other top contenders would be possiblly available used or new:
* ARC Ref 3
* ARC LS26
* ARC Ref 2 Mk 2
* Aesthetix Calypso
* Pass Labs x0.2 (no invert function)

My 2 channel equipment is mainly:
* a wonderful sounding Modwright tubed-modded Denon 3910 for redbook and hirez
* a SOTA Saphire tt into a Dynavector P-75 stage (will soon upgrade SOTA, and possibly Dyna down the line)
* ATC SCM150ASl active speakers with triamps internal

Note: Although I also have a 5.1 and 7.1 setup in this room, driven by the modded 3910 hirez surround and DVD into a Denon 4806 acting as a surround pre (soon to Anthem D2 for balanced needs into ATC surrounds, as well) it's mainly my 2 channel sound I'm focused on now.

Feel free to add a pre of your choice, but it needs to include the basics. Thx much,
Apology accepted, Ted. if you can audition the speakers and the pre, then that seems the best way to go, esp. if they are known to be finicky about upstream components. BTW, from what i have read recently the Sig upgrade is fully balanced. Does anyone know if that's true about the non-Sig?
Man I wish I could find some ATC active owners! Here are four more that have been recommended, and a repeat idea from Bob Reynolds (the lowly pre section of the Bryston SP2 ssp).
Herron VTSP2
Cary SLP05
Ayre K-1Xe (from ATC review)
Sim Audio P-08 (from ATC dealer)
I was looking for the same type of pre over the last 6 months. I had a chance to purchase a BAT VK50SE, an Aesthetix Calypso, an ARC LS25, an ARC REF1, and a BAT VK-5i. These were on my short list.

Then recently I purchased a Cary SLP 2002. This has most everything you are looking for: fully balanced design, single ended and xlr inputs/outputs, fully regulated power supply, remote, true HT bypass, but no invert switch. Therefore I'd recommend this or the Cary SLP 05 for the next evolution and step up. I am very happy with my choice.

Here are a few considerations....

My goal was to get something with a tube sound, something like a conrad johnson, not the neutral sound that many of the newer preamps are moving to (I find that 6h30 tube preamps are often noted for neutral sound). The Cary has been described as a great tubey preamp, like CJs. Many of the others listed in this thread are noted for their neutrality. Decide what you prefer for sound, if you prefer anything at all.

The BAT VK-5i is supposed to be a great tubey preamp. Most of their newer stuff is all designed more for neutrality. It was the #1 BAT on my list. I stayed away from neutrality. My system was very neutral and analytical to begin with. I wanted to balance things out a bit with a nice tubey preamp. For neutral one should also consider good SS pre's too, imo.

HT bypass was very important for me since I have a hybrid HT/2 channel system built to an audiophile level. And I found that many HT bypass preamps out there aren't optimal. The Cary has a true HT bypass, it completely bypasses the preamp, the preamp can be shut down and tube life saved. Many others out there (BAT, Aesthetix Calypso, etc.) only have unity gain, but the signal is still processed by the preamp coloring the sound and using up tube life. That will hurt the speakers timbre matching in the HT side of things. Be aware of this and find out exactly what type of HT bypass a preamp has. Decide what you want. That will narrow your choice.

Hope this helps.


the alaapaudio group on yahoo has 4 ATC active users as members
Dougs unit has Remote control of volume
The question is what topology are you comfortable with?


Sorry to be late to your question, but I have the same hum issue. I recently bought ATC active 20's and have a single-ended Art Audio DM-VPS tube preamp.

In addition to balanced operation, check the output impedance of any preamps you consider. I don't pretend to understand the engineering, but I do know that the active ATCs generally have very low input impedance (@10k ohms). Therefore, a preamp with low output impedance would be the best match, all other things being equal. Otherwise, you may get rolled off bass. Among the tube preamps you listed, I think the Calypso is the best choice judging by Stereophile impedance measurements, plus the reviews are all very positive on the sonics and musicality. If you check the web page, ARC recommends that virtually all its tube preamps should be matched with power amps having input impedance of at least 20k ohms, so they probably aren't as good a match for your ATCs. I'm pretty sure that BAT preamps also are better matched with higher input impedance amps (even BATs with the six pack, apparently).

Other tube preamps you might consider for balanced operation with low output impedance include Blue Circle as suggested above (but watch out for phase inversion), Sonic Frontiers (supposedly great, but lots of tubes to deal with) and possibly Atma-Sphere.

I am probably going to sell my Art Audio, even though it's terrific, and switch to solid state for now. It's an easier system match and less work than a tube preamp. Hopefully, the sound won't be too edgy.

Good luck.