Class D Amps - FM reception

Are there any high quality Class D (or equivalent) amps that do not interfere with FM reception. (I read that NuForce amps, for example, destroy FM reception.)I would like to try one out in my bedroom system but I listen to FM a lot in that room and don't want to lose my recetion. Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
All the NuForce amps currently available have chokes on the output wiring to supress FM interference. That said, it is possible that if the amps are located very close to the tuner it might still nock out a few weak stations. Stations with moderate to good signal strength should be unaffected.

Other class-D amps do not sample at the ultra-high frequencies that the NuForce does, and so would be less likely to cause this problem. Of course many other class-D amps do not sound nearly as good as the NuForce, but heck, choosing a poorer performing, less musical class-D amp may be an acceptable tradeoff to be able to pull in a couple of weak stations that you can barely get anyway...
The Nuforce made FM reception almost impossible. It messed with the Tivoli One of a friend of mine while auditioning the amp at home. This situation was a little better with a sSiltech shielded cable.
Now some say that FM reception is not important. Maybe, but that is not the real question. Remind that almost every audiophile wants an RF/EM free enviroment, for the blackest background, noise free purer tone. And for that lot's of them use shielded power cords on their digital gear (CD and DAC) for less interference and better music. I've never heard about a CD or DAC making interference in radio reception!! The NOISE made by this amp is really a issue.
Just for the record, the Bel Canto class D amp that were also demoed made FM reception possible.
At the end the question is "who want's a amp that causes RF noise?".

PS- This comments are aonly about the noise question and not about the sound of the amp.
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The review of the H20 M250SA amp over at Ultra Audio compared the effect on FM of the H20 amp (none) with that of the Nuforce Reference model. The Nuforce caused interference in other rooms of the reviewer's home. It sounds as if the Nuforce choke is optional and that makes me wonder if it has an effect on the sound.

I have had no FM issues with either my eAR Two or H20 S250. This with my vintage tuner placed 6 inches above the amp. I use RG6 quad shield to connect to the attic-mounted attenna using a balun-free adapter to the tuner's 300 ohm connection.

The eAR has a thin stainless steel chassis and the H20 has a heavy metal chassis. Both use the same B & 0 module. And, both amps can be powered up with no load without endangering the amp.

BTW, the reviewer did not find a tremendous difference between the Nuforce and H20 amps soundwise - more of a flavor preference. I am not sure that the higher bandwith equates to wonderful sound theory holds water. High bandwidth designs have come and gone over the years.
