Tube Amp "Ringing"

I have a Jolida SJ-502A tube intergrated amp and tonight I noticed a "ringing" sound coming from the amp. Didn't notice it when the music is playing, but when I changed my CDs and was close to the amp, noticed the ringing. Was curious on what it could be and how I can solve this problem. btw, I'm a "tube newbie", and help and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks guys,

I figured that it was "tube microphonics" but didn't know how to go about solving the problem short of buying new tubes. btw, found a site for HAL-O Vacuum Tube Dampers and was wondering if any of you have used these (or other brands for that matter) and what your thoughs are about these products in solving "tube microphonics". Guess damping my tubes might be my first "tweak".
If you can hear ringing without toughing your tubes they need to be replaced. Dampers will help reduce ringing a bit but that would be for low level ringing inherent in the tube or caused by outside forces. IMHO.

The ringing I hear is low level. Go back to my intial post and you'll see that I only heard this ringing when I "changed my CDs and was close to the amp". Certainly, I'll switch some tubes out and see it that solves the problem, but if it's just "low level ringing" then perhaps dampers might be the way to go. Basically at this point, I'm interested in what results people have had with dampers.
I agree with the microphonic tube diagnosis. In my system, tube dampers have not worked to correct ringing microphonic tubes.
FWIW, my reference to "low level ringing" was ringing not seperately audible as ringing no matter where you were standing, but was a very low level ringing mixed into the main signal. If I can actually hear a tube ring with out touching it, it goes!

Many folks actually prefer this very low level ringing and find it additive, so I guess my answer to your question is that tube dampers can work but whether you like their effect or not may well depend on what you like.

Personally, on tubes in applications where noise and microphonics can be an issue I use tubes tested for low noise and a simple rubber type rings that only cost a couple of bucks. But then I'm both anal and cheap.

YMMV. I'm sure others will chime in and give you further guidance.