Newbie needs to make a decision, Rogue? Manley?

After 2 years with a HT system, I realized that my music was lacking and that I needed to explore the 2 CH world. After reading numerous reviews, seeking the advise of several 2CH friends and talking to several dealers, I'm ready to take my first step and purchase a tube amp and then a pre-amp. First, my current system consists of an Anthem AVM 30 processor, a Rotel 1075 amp, a Rega Apollo CD player, Paradigm Studio 60 V.3's for my fronts, and a SVS 20-39 subwoofer. The interconnects and speaker wires are a snakes pit of mid-line Monsters which I know I will grade next (Signal Cable maybe). My living room serves as my HT/listening room. It's 26x12x8 with the setup against the long wall and my seating position against the opposite wall. The room is well furnished with a soft leather sofa, no coffee table and more than sufficient carpeting. I know my seating position is far from perfect but I have no options in my layout.

My first audition was with a Rogue Stereo 90 amp and then a Rogue Cronos integrated amp with Thiel 1.6 speakers. Needless to say that as a newbie I couldn’t really tell the difference between the two very well but I was impressed overall. Another dealer then offered to let me audition a used set of Rogue M-120’s mono-blocks at home for a month. It was at this point I truly heard a distinctive difference between the Rogue and the Rotel (especially with my own speakers which I feel I know well). To complicate matters the dealer whom I purchased the Rega from provided me with a set of Manley Mahi’s as well as various Cardas speaker wires, interconnects and PC’s. In the brief time I has this set-up I began to believe that sex with my wife was no longer necessary. I listen mostly to jazz and Cassandra Wilson’s husky contralto with the Mahi’s in triode mode with minimum feedback sounded like she was standing next to me. Unfortunately I did say a brief audition as one of the Mahi’s died after 5 hours of playing!! The dealer confirmed that the amp was defective. Unfortunately it will take him a few weeks to obtain another set.

With all that said, I’m ready to make a purchase before my money goes elsewhere. My budget can stretch to $3,000 for a tube amp or solid integrated tube amp. The Stereo 90 would be able to deal with less efficient speakers when I decide to upgrade (Thiels, Salks, etc.) however, I’m still intrigued by the sound of the Mahi’s. However with only 40 watts at ultra-liner mode I’m afraid the Mahi’s may not be a good match down the road with less efficient speakers. Whatever I end up with would also need to power my fronts when I use my HT set-up. I don’t think this would be much of a problem as I peak out at about 85db when I look at movies. Are there any other amps with an adjustable feedback in my budget? Sorry about the long post. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I'm interested in making sure whatever I end up with has both ultralinear and triode modes.
Do you mean ultralinear and pentode modes? Ultralinear is sometimes used interchangably with triode, although the two are not precisely the same.

My VAC Phi 110/110 had both pentode and ultralinear, as does my Eastern Electric M520 (remote switchable), presently for sale.

The Rogue Cronus does not offer triode/ultralinear and pentode modes, and having to rewire the unit on the inside of the amp to switch to 4 ohm speaker taps seems to be a PITA, IMO.
Tavd- Here is where my ignorance on these issues shines brightly. Both the Rogue Stereo 90 and Manley Mahi's have a switch which allows the choice of triode or ultralinear. Neither offers pentode. Unless of course the terms are interchangeable like you noted. And your right about the Cronus, it doesn't offer a choice of modes. I keep that in the mix becasue 1) it's a relatively inexpensive starting point for me and 2)I heard it. My speakers are 8 ohms. I didn't consider what would happen if I needed 4 ohm taps. Your right,,,PITA.
Gotcha. You know, I might have the terms screwed up. I seem to recall the VAC switched from Ultralinear to Triode. The M520 switches from Pentode to Ultralinear. Of that, I'm certain.

In any case, triode and ultralinear always sound better to me than pentode.
I would suggest the Eastern Electric M520 tube integrated. I picked one up a year ago, about a $1k used, spent another $500 for tubes, and am very happy with the sonics. It runs in pentode or ultralinear, EL34's. I have used Reference 3A de Capo i's, Jamo E450 floorstanders and First Horn single-driver speakers, and it works with all three types, very well...I'm also not getting ready to sell mine either!

I have no affiliation with this company, just love the amp!

You can pick up Hurricanes arount 2500 used. Watch the claifieds when the new ones are out (4 weeks :)