Can anyone help me to decide which pre-amp is better ?

I am slowly tried to build my audio with home threater system with the following equipments:

1- Aerial 10T and CC3 for speaker
2- Lexicon N512 and MC-1 for home threater
3- VPI HW19 for tuntable
4- All cardas cable for interconnect.

My next project will be expanded the system to tube pre-amp and possible amp. The first step will try to buy tube pre-amp connect to my LEXICON/BRYSTON NT-512. I am in the process of thinking to buy my next pre-amp as: Cary SLP98/PH301, Audio research LS16/PH3, CAT SL-1 sigature, BAT-5i, Havland, or Audio Illusion M3A? Did anyone have suggestions?

Many tahnks in advanced.

The blue circle 21 and Rogue are about the same price new and used and both supposedly sound great. I have 10t's and unless you are going to get some big power tube amps like VTL 450's, a fast powerful solid state amp is needed for 10t;s. I am using a Spectron and it is 500 watts channel into 4 ohms. It runs the 10t's well. You might want to try mono block bel canto evo's. Have fun, sounds like you are on your way. I use a VTL pre 1 tube preamp /and a passive unit also. Enjoy the music.
Jeff -

Of the preamps you mention, I would go with the CAT. When I was shopping for the best preamp for my demo system, three brands stood out to me: CAT, Lamm, and Thor. I chose to become a Thor dealer, but think highly of the other two.
One thing to consider for HT is that the pre-amp have a bi-pass or an input that has goes straight through with no gain for your main channels. In solid state there are quite a lot of pre amps that do this, but in tubes it's a bit rarer. If I'm not mistaken I believe the CAT does have this feature (it's also a great pre-amp), I'm not sure about the others. Of course, if you find a pre-amp you love that doesn't have this you can always have a particular volume setting that accomplishes this--but I've had a system set up this way and it didn't bother me at first, but after a while it got old setting the volume all the time.