Can anyone help me to decide which pre-amp is better ?

I am slowly tried to build my audio with home threater system with the following equipments:

1- Aerial 10T and CC3 for speaker
2- Lexicon N512 and MC-1 for home threater
3- VPI HW19 for tuntable
4- All cardas cable for interconnect.

My next project will be expanded the system to tube pre-amp and possible amp. The first step will try to buy tube pre-amp connect to my LEXICON/BRYSTON NT-512. I am in the process of thinking to buy my next pre-amp as: Cary SLP98/PH301, Audio research LS16/PH3, CAT SL-1 sigature, BAT-5i, Havland, or Audio Illusion M3A? Did anyone have suggestions?

Many tahnks in advanced.

I own the CAT sig.Recently did an AB with the Hovland and the VK 50SE and the Herron. The Hovland is real pretty, and has by far the best WAF factor. The CAT has far sharper claws than any of the above. IMHO waaay better bottom end than the Hovland, faaaar more dynamic than the Herron and loads less grain than the BAT.
The Phono stage on the CAT is also something to consider.
I vote for the Kora Eclipse pre-amp. As far as I know this is the only tube pre-amp on the market that offers:
1. fully remote operation (everything from source, volume, and on/off) 2. both MM and MC inputs
3. balanced and single ended op 4. Headphone outputs
5. processor circuit (remote controlled)
6. true high end sound that is high class B or true Class A.
thanks, Rich M.