I want to talk to Wyetech Topaz's owners

I read so many good things about Wyetech products and considering Wyetech System. I would like to talk to Wyetech owners? Thanks, GerryM5. My system is listed online.
Nice system I loved those Quads. It's reassurring information and I'm using the Koetsu OSP.
I recently sold my Wyetech Sapphires (which were singing when I let them go), but have not looked back after the purchase of the Topaz 211 C. This is the amp with the Audionote transformers. This amp is stunning in its vivid presentation of music, both sung and played. I happen to own the Wyetech Opal pre and served up front by the Reimyo CD player. This is a killer system that approaches reality in the Topaz's presentation. Unparalleled transparency, accuracy of tone and timbre, expressive dynamics and immediacy is what this amp's about. I use hi efficiency speakers from Brenthworth labs. The speakers are coherent, fast, and lively. While the bottom end will not send you out of your seat, it is deep enough and provides the dynamic shadings of the base notes that is exhilarating and a marvel.

Needless to say, I am a big Wyetech fan. Build quality is the best and the products are built to last a lifetime. The Wyetech products are keepers until Roger delivers a higher end model.
Congrats Stony40 on your Topaz purchase. It may be only 18 watts but it certainly kicks hard. Myself and a couple of friends spent the afternoon listening to the Topaz with the Opal pre and the sound quality was amazing. That 211 tube is Rogers favorite because it is so linear and resolute. As I am sure you are finding out the Topaz is a slightly different beast from the Sapphire. I love the Sapphire for its delicacy and forward mids and deep soundstage but the 211 based Topaz is noticeably more visceral.

I own the Pearl preamp and Onyx mono blocks and up here in Ottawa Roger Hubert has a small but fanatical following. The owner of Tetra (another Ottawa based company) has a couple of Wyetech products in his showroom and local audiophiles get the opportunity to drop in and hear two excellent products lines
The Topaz is a truly great amplifier, however I, and my buddy Chris (Nutella) ultimately got rid of it due to (our opinion of course) lack of emotional connection to the music, no matter what preamp; IC's; etc. Also compared it to many other tube amps- one example that we connected to more emotionally is the Art Audio Jota- while obviously not as 'neutral' as the Topaz, it gets at the gestalt of the music with more full-bodied tonality. However, that being said, depends what you are after. I have yet to hear as SET tube amp that nails the front-end transient of the note with more visceral attack than the Topaz- strings were superb- YRMV of course...
I've had my Topaz 211c for just over a year. Its taken this long to fully appreciate it. I have listened to the Berning zh270 I have along with some restored classics on hand: Citation II,Futterman, Marantz 8b,5's,quad II and more. Each of these has its qualities:the classic Marantz and Quads more like the Jota mentioned above. The Berning with the limitless/tightest bass and the Futterman with the uncanny cut through the haze clarity albeit a bit grainy.

I have difficulty with slow and syrupy so the typical SET does not entice me. There are few that can match the attack of the Topaz and maintain the integrity of the holistic image in space. Being a Canadian, made the choice easier as well. This amp should be a monoblock and I imagine if Hebert didn't get so many chassis made up before hand it would be...At 100+lbs It's too heavy and too big for one chassis. A real un-SET like SET. I can see why those enamoured with traditional SET sound or the rhythm and pace of a inarticulate presentation would not like the Topaz. I'm sure something will displace it sometime, however, after running through a whole bunch of amps including some very high priced current production OTLs this amp will be around for a while. It's to bad it is not more widely available so more might be able to appreciate it.
