Jeff Rowland Concerto or Simaudio i7 integrated?

I own a pair of Linbrook Super Towers from Tyler Acoustics and want to add a new CD player and integrated amp. I am hesitating between a new Simaudio i7 integrated + a Simaudio CD player, OR, a Jeff Rowland Concerto and a TBD CD.
I heard the i-7, it sounds very refined to me. I bought it. I find the Roland a bit too rolled off in the top end, somewhat colored to my ears (of course I listened to it at a different dealer, but he also let me take it home for an evening). Then again your speakers will dictate a lot. If they're fast and revealing, I recommend the Sim -it just has more speed and resolution. But both are good. I use it with B&W 802's. My source is an Avid turntable with the new Sim phono preamp I just got as well. I have an old but good CD Player, due soon for a change, a Classe CDP1.
Thank you both.
Very interesting. Adding your commentaries and suggestions, I think the Sim would be better match for my speakers (very fast and revealing). They maybe only lack in the the very low bass (below 30-35 Hz) part of the spectrum.
I have not heard the Sim, but I have had the Tyler Linbrook monitors with McIntosh separates and the MA6900 integrated, a Cary/Bel Canto combo (no tubes), and the original Rowland Concentra, and to this day I have not heard such a magical combination as with the Rowland. I may actually one day go back to it.
I have the Concerto with the Super Towers and it is a great match. I once read that Ty used Rowland gear to voice his speakers, not sure if true or not but read it somewhere. I have been doing this since 1972 and this is one of the best combination I have heard without mortgaging the house. If you can pick up these components used, it is a great system at a very reasonable ( relative I know) price. Both pieces of equipment are first rate-you will NOT find better quality of product. The truth is in the listening.
Dma3763, FWIW, Have you ever considered the Edge line of equipment,this stuff is truley amazing,I feel that it gives you the best of both worlds (SS vs. TUBE). Also, heard at one time that Tyler was impressed with the Edge sound and his product... Good luck...