best bang for the buck tube preamp?

would like to try out a tube pre to see if tubes are for me without spending big bucks($250-$500). two channel, no phono and i need two sets of outputs.
Hi Hartwerger

I had a look at the website – the Mapletree stuff look great.

Do the kits look like what is on the web page? I need a ‘project’ and wanted to build another pre. I like Bottlehead gear, but I am not fond of their aesthetics. Also the cable going in on the top is just a PITA.

Hartweger, great suggestion on the Mapletree audio. And they are in Canada! Don't know how that escaped me....

I already like the red ones, although I think the red clashes with the red of my Abbys ;)

Hey Pauly: You should call or email Lloyd Peppard of MAD for info on the kits. I have the Ultra 4A which doesn't come in the kit form. A good friend recenty built the Triplex and it pretty much looked like the one on the website with a few changes of his own. He loves the triplex and that's the direction I would take if I was doing it all over again as you get the choice of the different circuits. I still have my Foreplay and it has a special place in my heart, but I think you would be happier with any of the Mapletree products for the long haul. Also, my friend that built the Triplex also had previously built a Foreplay. I am certain he would tell you the same as I am. In addition, he thought the Triplex was easier to build as there was more room to move around when soldering all those joints. The Foreplay box is still a little cramped for the ole soldering gun. Good luck with whatever you choose. Let us know how things turn out.
I'll second Benies suggestion for Space Tech Labs. I recently listened to their pre, hooked up to a Sim w5 and a pair of Maggies. It really is a great pre-amp. For the money? an excellent pre-amp.
Also make a really fine passive, wich I prefered.