Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?

I currently own a Modwright preamp and a Pass Labs X150 amp. I really enjoy these components but, I wish the Pass amp had more warmth in my system. What amps have the warmth of tubes but are as detailed and as controlled as this Pass amp. I can't afford the .5 series of Pass amps. I previously had a CJ MF-200 amp and PV-11 preamp in my system, which was much warmer, but not as clean and detailed. I'm looking to spend about $2K used. Thanks!
10-31-06: Newbee
Maybe in addition to Harleys breakdown, we also need one of those charts that show the range of all of the musical instruments etc so when I describe low bass coming from a flute you can look at the chart and tell me I'm FOS because a flute don't go that low!

I have an outstanding chart like the one you describe. It's in an Audio Control C-101 manual. After I sold my C-101, I recalled the chart was in the manual, so I wrote Audio Control and asked if they had any old manuals left. They did, and they sent me one. That company is excellent...and some of the best, most user friendly manuals ever written, IMO.
Down 40 posts, no one mentioned Bedini?

Bass is outstanding. Midrange while fast and detailed still has warmth of a tube amp. Treble is natural and not exaggerated like in some ss amps.