Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!

Thanks for sharing hte whole ordeal. WHen teh day comes for me to try out a basic tube amp, it might well be the AN. The cost for Digital Pete's build over teh kit could turn out to be quite worthwhile, especially for someone lacking time and patience for a project like this, like me.
I was working with a combination of the manual for the previous version of the Kit 1, along with an in-process version of the new manual. The new manual is either nearly or entirely complete. Brian is redoing all the manuals and working with a graphic designer to make them clean, clear and consistent in style across kits. Brian has incorporated feedback from customers in these new manuals. The new Kit 1 manual, for example, incorporates a number of suggestions that I (and perhaps others) have made. So I think that Kit 1 builders from here on out will have very good documentation to deal with.
I would consider the things that Pete does to be "icing on the cake" touches. In other words, you can get a perfectly functioning Kit 1 and not have the innards be as orderly and beautiful as Pete's, but it's certainly something to aspire to.

I have in the back of my head that sometime soon I will sell off 1 pair of my speakers and maybe a second string pair of amps and some other extra stuff to help finance the high eff. tube amp setup that I have been wanting to try for quite some time. It would become the 2-channel a/v system in my family room I'm thinking.

The problem is mainly that things sound so good their already that its hard to justify added cost of another change but sometimes its nice to try things just for the sake of trying something different.

This thread and related info has helped solidify Ankit/Tekton as a frontrunner for me as well when the time comes.

It would mainly just require three analog inputs one of which would be a external phono pre-amp.
Reb, what are teh dimensions of the assembled kit? It would have to fit in my vertical cabinets out of site or teh wife would not approve.
I am also wondering how much heat the amp generates? I keep teh backs open on my cabinets but the front glass doors closed usually when listening so heat generated could be an issue in their. My current TAd Hibachi amps in taht system sit on the floor next to the cabinets hidden behind the speakers. My wife would love if I could downsize and fit everything nicely in the cabinets. That alone would be a good excuse for me to make a change.