Building the Audio Note Kit 1 SET amp...

Hi, Folks,
If anyone's interested, I've started a blog with lots of photos, documenting my ongoing build of the Audio Note Kit 1 300B SET amp. If you've ever thought of building any kit before and want to get a feel for what it's like, you're welcome to have a look!
I am also wondering how much heat the amp generates? I keep teh backs open on my cabinets but the front glass doors closed usually when listening so heat generated could be an issue in their. My current TAd Hibachi amps in taht system sit on the floor next to the cabinets hidden behind the speakers. My wife would love if I could downsize and fit everything nicely in the cabinets. That alone would be a good excuse for me to make a change.
The AN Kit 1 300b Amplifier really seems like it's an exceptionally well built and very good sounding amplifier. You are getting excellent performance from this amplifier using the standard grade 300b tubes. Just think of the room for improvement with just simply moving to a higher grade of 300b tubes somewhere down the line, not to mention trying different power cords. As well as your amplifier currently sounds there's room for improvement with just those simple suggestions, you have a lot to look forward to even though you're at a high-level already. Your high-quality SET amplifier is just filled with lovely potential.
The amp is 17 inches wide and 12.5 inches deep. The highest point on the amp is the very top of the 300B tubes, which measures about 9 inches high from the surface of the shelf the amp sits on.
I would not recommend running the amp in an area without all around ventilation. The tubes and mains transformer get quite hot - the tubes get "burn your fingers hot" - once the amp is fully warmed up and playing, and I would want to make certain that this heat could be adequately dissipated. But I think Brian would be the guy to ask about what constitutes adequate ventilation.
Yes, Charles, thanks, I believe the amp does have lots of potential. Better 300B's and an upgraded power cord are possibilities. Then there are also the Audio Note Copper Foil caps that could easily be swapped in for the Mudorf Gold/Silver/Oil caps I now have.
Brian said that the Audio Note C-Core output trannies are amazing, but you really need to live with the stock trannies (which are custom designed and build for ANK and of which he is clearly very proud) for awhile in order to appreciate what the C-Cores are about. They are also jaw-droppingly expensive, but I think he buys those directly from Audio Note UK and doesn't have much wiggle room on pricing.
Charles, you are so right about the qualities of a good SET amp. I was listening tonight to HD Tracks downloads of "Paul Simon Live In New York City" and was just transported by the sense of "almost attending the concert." It's wonderful.

Thanks for all the time and energy you shared with all of us. It was a wonderful ride with a very happy ending.