Newbie Part 2


Thank you all for responding to my previous threads. To refresh your memories, I have just purchased Paradigm Studio 100 v2 speakers (used), and have a Harman Kardon AVR-25 Mark II, and a Sony carousel - model CDP-CX300. I received numerous suggestions, and went out today to listen a bit.

I heard the Rotel Rc-1070 pre and the RB-1080 main, and they sounded good (and the "new" price was good, so a used price would be better). I also listened to the Arcam cd73 and was blown away by the difference between that an the cd192.

Previous suggestions for amps include YBA Integre (seems a little low in power to me), Odyssey amps generally, and an Audio Refinement Complete (although the reviews on this were mixed). Also, my local Paradigm dealer sells, among other things, the Anthem amps (of course), and recommends them highly with my speakers (but he didn't have the amp in stock). Can I get a few opinons (many is better) on these amps for my specific speakers if you have any knwoledge and actual experience?

Also, since I always thought cd players were cd players, I was blown away by the Arcam test today. Originally, I was recommended the Audio Aero Prima, the Rega Apollo, and the Prima Luna Prologue. Ideally, I'd like to get a cd play and amp/preamp (or integrated) that will be a significant benefit to my system all for $1500 or under. Not sure if that's possible, but am also looking for cd suggestions (matched with amps) if you're so inclined.

Sorry for the long message, but I'm learning more each day. Thanks for all of your help.
I have also always been told that somewhere between 9:00 and 11:00 is where you should keep the dials.
This has to do with the gain match between the preamp and amp, and is not universal. If you are talking about an integrated amp, it's also not universal. I have often run certain combos in my system at the 3:00 position with clean sound and plenty of headroom. IMO, the "11:00 Rule" is often suggested to people who are using low power or mid-fi solid state electronics.
The Music Hall CD 25.2 is my current "real-world" favorite CD player with its' rhythmic handling of music. Bass ok, even-handed midrange, highs not shrill. Coupled with a decent DAC is a small improvment, coupled with a Whest digital gizmo at 3 times the price of the 25.2 is a better step up and at a total price of about $2300 is hard to beat until the $6000 range as next step up. Multiple other CD players out there from $1,000-$2500 not a real improvment and sometimes worse. I personally do not much care for the current MF amplifiers but the CD is a winner. Let us know what you find out, Mike.
Cheapmike - You said "Coupled with a decent DAC is a small improvment, coupled with a Whest digital gizmo at 3 times the price of the 25.2 is a better step up and at a total price of about $2300 is hard to beat until the $6000 range as next step up."

Sorry, but I'm a little slow. It sounds like you are suggesting buying a separate DAC (using the MH as a transport only?) such as one built by Whest?
Be careful about the Audio Aero Prima MK II CDP's .
Quite a few had serious transport problems . Mine went in for it's third transport when AA finally sent me a new MK III ! They are very good people to deal with and honor their warranty well as does their N.A. distributor , Globe.
The new MK III's have the new Sony transport .
To be fair , there are those whom have not had any problems at all . YMMV.
I also had the AA Prima hybrid integrated amp that was mentioned above . It is quite a good piece ! Hard to find but worth the effort .
Blewis1041, to expand just a bit on amplifier requirements, Stereophile
measurements say the Paradigm 100 has 89.5db sensitivity...let's say
90db. However, even though the speakers have an 8 ohm nominal
impedance, there is a significant impedance dip to 2.5 ohms at 104 Hz.

To drive these to 110 db peaks at 8 ohms/1 watt/ 1 meter requires 128
watts, but to drive these at 110 db at 2.5 ohms/ 1 watt/ 1 meter
requires nearly 500 watts.

Now, if you listen at lower volume peaks, the power requirement is less,
e.g. 64 wpc at 107 db peaks, 8 ohms/1w/1m.

So, you can see your Paradigms require some juice to get going, and
they definitely require an amplifier that doubles it's power output into 4
ohms and quadruples it's output into 2 ohms, otherwise the volume at
the frequency ranges where there are impedance dips (like the 104 Hz
measurement) will be lower in relation to other frequencies...leading the
sound to appear emphasized in the mids and highs.