Hum in preamp when using HT bypass

I have a Sim Audio P5 preamp that has an HT bypass input. AT first I was using RCA interconnects from CD to preamp, preamp to amp and the HT bypass and had no problems. When I switched to balanced from CD to preamp and preamp to amp leaving the RCA connection for the HT bypass I am getting the hum. There is no balanced input for the HT bypass. When I choose my CD input I do not get the hum, only when I switch to the HT bypass input. Any suggestions?
Thanks Mitch for your reply but will this happen if I have 2 dedicated lines and the preamp and amp are plugged in one line while my video and digital is in the other line as I have right now.
Yes IME it can. Any connection between units having cable or satellite connections can cause hum. Consider if your DVD player or processor are hooked to the television (which is hooked to cable or satellite) and also to the preamp via an rca cable which has ground and positive, they then share a ground connection. I am not an expert, but a ground lift cured the same problem in my set up, when I was attached to cable, and then later again after switching to satellite.
I was going to suggest trying rca to xlr adapters, but you don't have XLR input for HT bypass.
so, most likely it's a ground loop from your catv. try disconnecting your coax cable from your cable box and then turn the system on to see if there is still hum. If the hum is gone, then get the Mondial magic box or something similar.
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Chris Hoff of BPT thankfully hipped me to the video isolation transformer from Parts Express (part #180-075) and it eliminated the ground loop from my HT/stereo system. It was $10. You may need one for each of coaxial cables, ie. antenna, satellite, and cable.