First Tube Preamp

I am strongly considering upgrading my preamp from a solid state B&K 10MC Pro to a tube preamp. It will be my first journey into glass and I was looking for some recommendations that will not break the bank and also give me a chance to get my feet wet without having to tinker all the time.
The other system components are a Parasound HCA800 amp, NAD
CD player, Snell EIII speakers and a Sonographe SG-3 turntable with Grace 707 arm and Micro Benz cartridge. I have a large vinyl collection and most listening involves LP's.
I would appreciate any input while I'm trying to decide which way to go.
I second the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A. You can find one used for around $1000.00 and will get your money back if you decide to try something else. It was listed as one of the best for a number of years. Another good choice is the Audio Research SP9. It's a hybrid (SS with tube output) and has a great phono stage. The MKiii was the final version and should sell used for $800.00-$1000.00. My experience with tubes has been great! No problems at all. The best part is tube rolling, trying different brands to get the sound you want. Happy listening.
Use the bypass in the MC10 preamp, and use the MC10 phono section. The MC10pro is a pretty good phono section.

If you need more gain, the direction of an older CJ pre-amp is pretty much dead on. OR ----

Look for a used EAR unit, Cary with phono stage, not the 98 too much money, although very nice. VTL, Manley, ARC, etc. I suggest staying with known names, tube reliability and circuit reliability are known items with them.

Good luck and be prepared, the ends are slightly softened, midranged plushed out and all the tooby artifacts. It will sound like a step back in detail, ---- at first, but then try and go back, and you'll find ahhh all the bass, all the detail, and then ARGGGG all that grain, and pain.

Good luck and choose wisely, and I still like the MC10PRO, darn sorry I sold mine years ago.

i had several conrad johnson preamps, including the pv5, the pv8, the premier 2, the premier 3, and others.

currently, i have a premier 3. i would sell it in a heart beat.

my favorite preamp is the nobis proteus. it takes 2 6fq7(6cg7) tubes for the line stage and 2 12ax7 or 12ay7 or other suitable 12 volt tubes in the phono stage.

occasionally, you see one for sale for around $550. it is a good investment.