NAD C352 and Totem Model 1 Signatures

I have Totem Model 1 Signatures and am considering a NAD C352. Any opinions/experience on that combo? I listen for extended periods, mostly female vocals, jazz, big band. Should I consider smaller (C320BEE) or larger (C370), or other inexpensive amps? Thanks.
Consider Rotel and Cambridge. When I had the Model One Totems, I found that they sounded best (at any volume) with some power behind them.
I would get the NAD C372 at 150 watts. I heard it on the Mani2s and it did very very well.
Arni, I researched NAD, Cambridge Audio, Rotel and a few Mid fi's. I picked NAD based at first on an article in an old "Listener" magazine, but mainly on reading LOTS of reviews and forums like these. It's a close call among the three but I want to avoid agressive high's and muddy bass. I'd love to audition them at home, but I can't find a distributor that will accomodate me. And listening in a showroom doesn't tell me much. I'm always interested in opinions and advice. (Unfortunately, cost is a major factor - champaign taste, beer budget.) Thanks, Casemiro
I have a Cambridge 540a V2 that I bought from a member here used for a second system. This thing shocked me. If you try one of these latest V2 integrateds from Cambridge I cant imagine any disappointments. The Totems DO LIKE POWER, and I have not used them with this amp. You my try to pony up for the 640a v2 if possible. I use the preamp out for a sub (sometime a pair) so bass may be hard for me to judge off hand. But ribbon tweeters dont lie, and I have heard worse from more expensive amps. Pretty darn good for music on the cheap.