Tube Intergrated v separates 4k can they compare

Im interested in tube intergrated amps, my queston is would i be wanting more. comparing to pre power amps or is it closer, because of company matching of their pre amp stage to power. I have high 92db efficiency speakers any suggestions, cary& manley come to mind.But not heard either.
Second the Mac 2275, very dynamic with excellent built quality and sound. Does a great job driving Quad ESLs & Avalons. It gives up surprisingly little comparing to my bat 51se/ Pass 350.5 combo considering the price.

One option is to go direct from cdp (or passive pre) to amp and spend $4000 on amp.

Power amp I would suggest are CJ 140, Rogue 150, Mac 275IV, ASL 1009-845.

Goodluck in your journey.
I have gone back from Pre/Power to integrated and have no regrets. You certainly get more bang for your buck. There are so many brands to consider, some of the big names like Conrad Johnson, do'nt currently do Tube integrated. Some suggestions
ARC VS55 I think it is, ugly brute but great power and drive
Manley steelhead
Cary, I agree great value for money
Mcintosh, lovely amps, a bit lush for my tastes
Unison Research S4/S6
Art Audio, I believe currently do an integrated
Graaf GM 50 I believe.
There are really so many choices, you need to listen to them, some have the traditional tube lushness, but you don't have to settle for a warm coloured sound. Many are uncoloured with good base and treble, like the Viva Solista 845 SET I use.
Another consideration is the nature of the Pre in the amp. The cheapest option most follow is a passive pre. That is really a power amp with a source select and volume control added. Nothing wrong with that, but be aware, that is what you are getting. Others, like my Solista, have an active Pre amp circuit in them.
$4K will go a long way on the used market if you want to go that way. My recommendation is separates on the used market. It will go much further than $4K new on integrated. I have had great experience buying used.

For example a Cary tube preamp and Sim Audio W-5 would be around $4K used, and make a kick butt combo, from my experience.

Good luck
