Upgrade for Thiel 1.6 - Or a waste of $$


Currently using a Rotel RB-1080 with my CS 1.6. Although rated at 200w, it's not a true high-current (doubled at 4ohm) power amp.

I've located a pair of used Acurus 250 amps in town for $499 ea.

Would I get any tangible improvements by replacing the Rotel with the older Acurus 250 (and putting a little cash in my pocket)?

My budget isn't what it used to be (< $900) but I'd be happy to hear other amp ideas and suggestions. (No integrated amps, please)

The Acurus is certainly up to driving your Thiel's, but, other than what it can do in the lower registers, I don't think you'll care for it with the Thiels. There is a conrad-johnson MF 2300 currently up for sale here on audiogon with an asking price of $1000. I don't know the seller or anything about his particular amp, but, I think you could be very happpy indeed with this combination and stay close to your budget. Good luck!
To let you know where I'm coming from, a few years ago I owned a pair of Thiel CS-1.5s that were driven by Rotel RB-981 and Acurus A-200 at various times. I also used a pair of RB-981s bridged to mono. My impression was the Acurus may be the most uncolored/accurate amp I've owned. This could come across as sterile but plenty powerful. The Rotels were much warmer sounding, and that was a good thing with the Thiels as I found them to be analytical to the max. As Ive never heard the 1.6s, this should be taken for what it's worth but I preferred the Rotel amps with the 1.5s.
I also owned an A-250 but not with the Thiels. The $499 price seems a bit high for the A-250 or else I sold mine way too cheap.
Long ago I tried an Acurus 250 with a pair of Thiele 2_0's.
Pretty much unlistenable as the speaker revealed the acurus as being very harsh and "unmusical"...

I replaced the Acurus with a McCormack DNA 1. Much, much better. Of course the price (used is closer to $900 than the $499 for the Acurus.

On the other hand you do buy into great product with a proven upgrade path (SMC).

Just for yucks I looked as to what DNA"s were currently on the market. Found an $850 DNA from Tyler !!!
Wow - ya couldn't have much better karma than that - an amp designed by an industry legend (who happen to be a great guy) from a great speaker designer who also happens to be a great guy.