Could this be a Major Breakthough ?

New chip provides high-end sound even with low-end speakers. Maybe this chip will be in home stereo gear soon.
When I get one of these 3D MAX with the wood cabinet I'm going to try out some of these Acoustic Revive RGC-24 Virtual Ground's. I'm going hook up these to the 3D MAX's grounding system. .. Here's a review....go down he list until you see the review
We have heard from you in the past on various subjects.Very amusing for the most part.Sort of like a demented uncle/grandfather occasionally coming out of his coma.Keep up the good work,we're all in this together,Bob
"We have heard from you in the past on various subjects.Very amusing for the most part.Sort of like a demented uncle/grandfather occasionally coming out of his coma.Keep up the good work,we're all in this together,Bob"

LOL, Bob. Very funny.

Don't thank me Sherod.Thank him.Have you seen the stuff he comes up with?Its been months I think and I still remember his musings.Like a frizzy-haired mad scientist in a lab coat is what I see when I wonder who he is.Like Einstein on mushrooms in a dungeon surrounded by large noisy machines.......I love this site.......I had a friend like him in Berkeley in the summer of 70......back to my coma,cheers,Bob