Peachtree Audio Deepblue 2

Hi, guys,
I have no connection whatsoever to Peachtree Audio, as a matter fact, I don't currently even own any of their products. But I received an email a couple of days ago from Underwood Hi-Fi's Email List. I wanted to pass it along in case any of you are interested.
Essentially, Peachtree is currently in preproduction for a successor to their Deep Blue Bluetooth desktop system. For various reasons, they are crowdfunding the preproduction. They are offering early funders a nearly 50% discount on the final retail price. Units are supposed to ship in November. If it was anybody except Peachtree, a known entity, I would never have taken the plunge, but in this case I did. Just letting you guys know in case you're interested.
Chrshanl37, msy i have one? :D
I heard about some issues with the original deepblue, specifically related to playback. I hope they improved this aspect.
Hopefully that has been rectified, for the price I couldn't resist. My daughter needs something for college and the other is for my wife's office. Sorry bud :).
The opening price of the 2 was ridiculous but it is now very affordable given its quality. I have the original DB which I keep, and intend to keep in my office. I listen via the aux jack instead of streaming since my iPod classic 160 doesn't stream - which I like - or via my Astell & Kern 100. I wrote Peachtree before the release and begged them to include a DAC with the new model for people like myself - basically analogue types - but, alas, the didn't so I blew $900 for the Astell player. Could have gone to Peachtree but what the hell...their loss.
I never had any issues with the DB1, and after debuting the DB2 for six hours today I have to state that given the cost, it sounds damn good/as good as the first model. On either I crank the bass to its minimum setting since it can quickly begin sounding too fat. I found the mids and highs to be acceptable and sometimes surprising. Through my iPod classic it sounded only as good as the iPod itself, acceptable but not truly remarkable. Not its fault. My Astell & Kern makes either model punch above its weight sonically.
All of this is intended to remark on my impressions on how I use it - exclusively for summer outdoor listening while grilling, etc. I don't expect it to sound as good as my main stereo, but it sounds better than 99% of the other portable things out there. The build quality is there, the reputation is there, (I also own their iDac) and the packaging is exceptional. This is one shipper you just won't toss out.
The carry handle is a welcome, needed touch, too.
If Peachtree makes a new model it better have a built-in DAC!!!