Pass Labs vs. Cary

Hello and thank you to all.

I am considering trying some Cary Mono tubes or 500MB with a Cary tube pre. What do you think. I use a Pass Labs X-250 and a X-1 pre now. With ML Summits. Thoughts?
If you're looking for a more "tubey" sound, I would recommend upgrading to the X-250.5 instead. From what I've heard, the .5's have more warmth.
I can't understand why everyone with Summits doesn't use a (carefully selected*) tube amp with them. It's the best of both worlds and has the advantages of biamping without all the extra electronics: SS (built-in) for the bass, and tubes for the stats.

*I say "carefully selected" because, although tubes bring out the beauty of electrostats, certain tube amp designs don't work well with them. So always check with the manufacturer first and let them know what you have in mind.
Jtwrace , are you running the Pass combo in balanced or single ended config? I don't know about your X250, but my X250.5 sounds noticibly better when run in balanced mode. So if you running it single-ended, there is something to cinsider before you ditch the Pass combo.

Rbautista, I have X250.5 and to me it is very far from sounding like tubes. It is a very neutral and dynamic amplifier, which is what I like about it. There is no artifial sweetness or coloration. I do use an ARC tube preamp with this amplifier and the combo sounds really good. Of course ARC preamp is also not know for being overly sweet. but I happen to like this combination for neutrality and dynamic drive it provides.

I have no experience with the previous X250 but from what I've read, the X250.5 is an improvement. In what way, I am not sure. Didn't compare them side by side.

I did hear the Summits with mcIntosh tube combo and thought it was nice but a little rolled off at the extremes.
Audiophile 1, I have a Ref 2 driving a Pass 350.5. I put Amperex A frames in the preamp and it made a huge difference. Even tube enthusiasts in my audio club were impressed with the improvement in musicality. For the first time in many years, I am not dreaming about my next upgrade.