Pass Labs vs. Cary

Hello and thank you to all.

I am considering trying some Cary Mono tubes or 500MB with a Cary tube pre. What do you think. I use a Pass Labs X-250 and a X-1 pre now. With ML Summits. Thoughts?
Audiophile 1, I have a Ref 2 driving a Pass 350.5. I put Amperex A frames in the preamp and it made a huge difference. Even tube enthusiasts in my audio club were impressed with the improvement in musicality. For the first time in many years, I am not dreaming about my next upgrade.
Jwin, that's my next preamp, the Ref2!!!!
I love the way ARC pairs with Pass. I've had ARC preamps with different amps over time, but the combo of ARC and Pass running fully balanced is superior to anything I ever had in my system.
The Cary 500MB's will drive your MLs beautifully. They have the most liquid, lush and natural midrange and treble I ever heard in a solid state amp (other than the Dartzeel). With 500 watts and high current on tap, you'll get lifelike dynamics - something that's often missing even with the best tube amps. Naturally, the 500MBs will pair very well with any of the Cary pres.
My speakers are Avalalon Ascents, which are not easy to drive because of their sealed enclosure design. I have an REL Stadium 3 in the corner of the room and it integrates very well with the Avalons. I don't use it for music with minimal base.
I now own the cary 500's. I've had then since last spring. They replaced my Cary slam 100's that I had for ten years. The 500's are very close to tubes without the bother. They will drive just about any speaker. Although I am using them with a VTL preamp I"m sure they go very well with the Cary preamps. As I have posted previously here, I am very happy with these amps. I would highly recommend them.