Vandersteen 2ces, McCormack 0.5 and which pre-amp

Vandersteen 2ces and a McCormack 0.5 amp seems like a pretty popular combination among people on this forum. So, my question for the Vandersteen 2ce/McCormack 0.5 people is, which pre-amp are you using with this combination and why? I mostly listen to classical and opera, am currently using a Rotel integrated amp as a pre-amp and am thinking about making the move to a pre-amp. I play CDs only.
Thanks for your responses. As I said, I'm using a Rotel integrated as a pre-amp for the 0.5. Which do you think should be the next move: send the amp to McCormack for an upgrade or buy a pre-amp? For now, at least, it would have to be one or the other.
You might want to email Steve McCormack & ask him that question. I was in the same boat a few years ago. I was using a Creek integrated as my pre-amp and I didn't know if I should buy a pre or have my DNA 1 upgraded. I emailed Steve & he said "definitely get a quality pre-amp first, then worry about the upgrade".
The Rotel is the limiting factor. I don't believe the amp upgrade would be beneficial if it stays in the system.